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ISVA Support


The Independent Sexual Violence Advisor (ISVA) service at We Are Survivors offers confidential support, information, practical and emotional support to boys and men affected by sexual abuse, rape or sexual exploitation, regardless of when the experience(s) happened – past or present.

Our ISVA team are Independent from the Police and Criminal Justice System and it is important that it remains impartial and unbiased throughout the whole process of supporting you if you choose to engage in our support.

It’s important to remember that everyone’s different and for many reasons reporting what happened to them to the Police isn’t right for everyone, so we offer an equitable support service to those choosing not to report. However, if someone does want to report, we’re here to stand with you throughout that whole process.

So whether you’re considering reporting to the police or have already and are going through the criminal justice process, we will offer our tailored support service designed to help and inform you every step of the way.

We always aim to be in a position to be able to offer you a choice of male or female ISVA, plus late evening appointments are available Tue and Thursday to fit in to your diary.

Our ISVA team are also trained in working with Learning Disabilities and Neurodiversity and our paperwork and process can be adapted to support those with these specific needs.

The ISVA provides, and can assist with, the following:

  • A full assessment to identify your needs and the development of a tailored support plan.
  • Practical and emotional support.
  • Regular face-to-face and telephone contact.
  • Information and support to report to the police, should you wish to do so.
  • Support to attend any relevant appointments.
  • Liaise between the police and Crown Prosecution Service on your behalf.
  • Refer and signpost to relevant services.
  • Support to attend court proceedings.
  • Assistance to apply for Criminal Injuries Compensation.
  • Provide information and support around complaints procedures.

The criminal justice process can often leave individuals feeling like they are not in control. It is the aim of the We Are Survivors ISVA service to ensure that you’re aware of your options and that your voice is heard. One way of achieving this is that we are able to offer you a choice of male or female ISVA. All ISVA’s have undertaken accredited training and are formally recognised by Greater Manchester Police and the Crown Prosecution Service.

ISVA Information Sheet

People say that it can feel like there is a whole load of information to take on board all at once when going through the criminal justice system and so we don’t add to that sense of being overwhelmed, we have produced an information sheet that each person using the ISVA service will get. If you want a copy then download by pressing the link below. ISVA Information Sheet

Our ISVA’s have developed a pathway map to give people an overview of a possible and probable journey of someone reporting to the police.

Referral to ISVA

If you want to make a referral to the ISVA service, please telephone 0161 236 2182 or email [email protected].

You are free to request copies of our ISVA operating policy, please speak to a member of staff during the referral process for this to be arranged if required.

Stakeholders and Funders

Helpline: 0808 800 5005