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The Scrapbook

Telling our story and breaking the silence can be difficult and at times extremely painful, whether that’s for the first or twentieth time. There are hundreds of languages in the world, hundreds of thousands of accents, and millions of words. We see billions of images in a lifetime and absorb the world in whatever way we can. Communication happens in so many ways. From talking face to face to speaking down the phone; through words in a book to pictures hanging on the wall; from text in an email to film on the screen, the list is endless really.

As the old saying goes, there is more than one way to skin a rabbit,
and so there is more than one way to say what you want.

Here you get the chance to write your story, publish your poem, show your drawings or photographs… this is the space where you get to break your silence and for others to hear what you have to say.

Children learn through creative play, creative discovery and creative thinking and there is an idea that if that creativity is interrupted through abuse, then this stifles the child or young persons development. Therefore, any creative engagement as an adult can help the person ‘re-start’ a process of moving forward. Here at We Are Survivors, we have seen first hand just how beneficial it can be to put pen to paper, paint brush to canvas, or pencil to a scrap of paper to doodle. Have a go, what is there to loose? Nothing!

If you then want to send your work to us, we will put it up in our gallery… we’d be proud to do so!
Email your submission to [email protected]
For the purpose of confidentiality and to retain anonymity for those that wish to do so, names may have been changed.

Please note: The opinions and views expressed below do not necessarily represent those of We Are Survivors. We do not censor any part of the submitted work and therefore viewer discretion is needed as some may find elements of the work triggering or distressing.

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