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survivors manchester

Services available for female survivors

Greater Manchester Rape Crisis is a confidential support service, run by women for women and girls who have been raped or sexually abused.

The charity was established in 1976 by local women, as a grass roots response to the lack of appropriate services for women who had experienced sexual violence. Today, Greater Manchester Rape Crisis continues to support women who have been raped or sexually abused no matter how long ago the event occurred.

Greater Manchester Rape Crisis has a telephone helpline service, which provides advice, information and support to women and girls surviving sexual abuse. The helpline also provides a signposting service for male survivors and offers information and advice to friends, partners and other family members supporting survivors.

What support you can expect

A free face-to-face counselling service for women over 18 who have experienced rape or sexual abuse is also on offer, along with a weekly therapy group on a Wednesday evening facilitated by trained counsellors. It provides an opportunity for women to meet together for peer support, within a supported environment.

Greater Manchester Rape Crisis is based in a local women’s centre. Women who access their services can access other activities at the centre such as drop-in groups, educational classes and alternative therapy groups.

How to get in touch

If you want to talk or feel that you want support contact the confidential helpline: 0161 273 4500

  • Monday – Friday @ 10am – 4pm
  • Wednesday and Thursday @ 6pm – 9pm

This vital helpline, which aims to support, believe and listen to women who have been raped or sexually abused, also has a 24-hour answering service. If you cannot get through then please leave a message and one of the trained volunteers will get back to you as soon they can. If you dont feel comfortable leaving a message, please do keep trying.

You can also send an email to [email protected] or take a look at the website www.manchesterrapecrisis.co.uk

For all other enquires, call the Greater Manchester Rape Crisis office on 0161 273 4591 (Monday – Friday @ 10am – 4pm)

Stakeholders and Funders

Helpline: 0808 800 5005