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survivors manchester

The Love from Within


by Stephen

The love from within
shall drive out all my sins
and the love that i give
drives my will onto live

Because i am a man
who has fort all my life
who got battered + beaten
Like “his” bitch + “his” wife

He thought he had won
Coz he called me his son
But now i can tell you
that this man he’s a prick

He aint even no man
His name is just mick
and so he thought he could rape
and beat the “cunt”
and abuse me so badly
and pull other stunts

Well “I’m so sorry my loverr”
this wont happen no more
coz da day has now come
for me to show you the door

Au revoir + goodbye
to this scumbag called mick
may your way, loose your way
now just fuck off
you prick

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